Processing an ACH Batch

Processing an ACH Batch

In this video, you will learn how to create and modify an ACH payment by starting with an ACH template.

Let's begin by hovering over Payments & Transfers and select Payment Management. Click Add a New Payment from the Payments List View.

From the Add Payment window, select the Select a Payment Template radio button. You can either choose a template from the dropdown list, or begin to type in any part of the template name and all templates meeting that criteria will be displayed.

Once selected, click Continue.

The new payment screen will display with a number of fields pre-populated from the template. Some fields are protected while others can be modified.

To modify an amount, you can either click on the Actions menu dropdown and select Modify for each beneficiary, or use the Edit Amounts dropdown.

By clicking on Edit Amounts, you can change the amount for each payment.

The Edit option allows you to change the amount for each beneficiary.

The Clear All Amounts option resets all amounts to zero for all payments in the batch.

Using Adjust Amounts allows you to increase or decrease amounts by either a percent change or a dollar amount change.

For instance, to increase all amounts by 15%, select the All radio button, choose Increase by % and enter 15 in the blank field.

Click Apply and all payment amounts will increase by 15%.

Conversely, if you want to decrease just the first payment by $100, select the checkbox in front of the payment, then click Edit Amounts.

Select the Selected Rows radio button and choose Decrease Amount By, then enter 100 in the next box and click Apply.

Notice that the first payment amount has decreased by $100.

Edit Hold allows you to set payments on hold for some or all beneficiaries in the batch.

Click Edit to set a hold on an individual payment, or use the Hold All option to place all payments on hold.

Unhold All will remove the hold flag for all payments.

If you are not yet ready to submit this payment for processing, click the Save for Later button.

The Cancel button will return you back to the Payment Center. Once you have made all necessary changes, click the Submit button.

A Payment Submitted confirmation will be displayed providing details on the batch and you will see the new payment in the Payments List View.

The payment is ready for approval based on your organization's policies and user entitlements.

Thank you for watching this video where we have reviewed how to create an ACH payment by using an ACH template, and how to modify those payments for holds and amounts.

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